Azizi (FR)

To sort the race results for Azizi (FR), please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

Date Trk Race Dist Going Wgt Rat Eqpt Pos Beat Jockey S/P
2016-07-24NewbPrem12fG-F10-0097vis8/924.75Mr M J P Kendrick 7-1
2015-09-20HuntCond10fGd, G-F9-07953/47.25Mr Max Kendrick 7-2
2015-07-26NewbPrem13fSft8-0995vis2/76.00Paul Hanagan 2-1f
2015-06-12ChepPrem12fG-F10-0095hd3/91.75Dane O'Neill 7-4f
2014-08-10NewbPrem13fGd10-092hd1/5Ted Durcan
2014-05-31NewbInt10fG-S9-7hd10/1210.00Frankie McDonald
2013-09-08Sali0-90/9512fG-S, S10-590hd2/62.50Miss R King 3-1
2013-08-25WindCond10fG-S, S9-2hd3/38.50Mr P Collington 6-4