Jockey Form: G Hind

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for G Hind. To sort the race results, please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YYYY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

To view seasonal form for this jockey, please use the links to the right.

Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Trainer
2003-07-20L'Escalou (FR)AA/PBInt1/7Mr W M Smith
2003-07-20Bolet De Ghazal (FR)PAInt4/1011.00Mr W M Smith
2003-07-20Khaddour (GB)PAInt3/153.50Mr W M Smith
2003-07-20Hiderne De Faust (FR)PAInt3/107.50Mr W M Smith
2003-07-15Unknown Dame (USA)PA0-90/954/62.00Mr W M Smith
2003-07-08Juven Moon (FR)PAInt14/1431.25Mr W M Smith
2003-05-14Bolet De Ghazal (FR)PAInt3/55.00Mr W M Smith
2002-09-10Karmah (UY)PAInt5/76.75Mr W M Smith
2002-07-21L'Escalou (FR)AA/PBInt1/8Mr W M Smith
2002-07-21Jilko (FR)PAInt8/1113.50Mr W M Smith
2002-07-21Khaddour (GB)PAInt3/95.00Mr W M Smith
2002-07-21Juven Moon (FR)PAInt4/84.50Mr W M Smith
2002-07-21Cal Koihue (ARG)PA0-60/658/209.25Mr W M Smith
2002-07-09Bolet De Ghazal (FR)PAInt8/818.25Mr W M Smith
2002-06-26Karmah (UY)PA0-100+4/113.75Mr W M Smith
2002-06-13Bolet De Ghazal (FR)PAInt4/610.50Mr W M Smith
2002-05-29Roches Du Cayrou (FR)PA0-90/955/136.75Mr W M Smith
2002-05-15Karmah (UY)PAInt4/66.50Mr W M Smith
2001-10-14Karmah (UY)PAInt1/9Mr W M Smith
2001-10-14Don Du Ciel Al Maury (FR)PAInt7/1120.00Mr W M Smith
2001-09-22Aragon Safinat (FR)PAInt5/68.00Mr W M Smith
2001-09-22Clarus De Nulvi (ITY)PAInt9/1216.50Mr W M Smith
2001-09-04Karmah (UY)PAInt3/61.75Mr W M Smith
2001-08-20Kent Du Cassou (FR)PAInt5/814.50Mr W M Smith
2001-08-05Hal Mauzy Gargassan (FR)PA0-100+6/614.75Mr W M Smith