Jockey Form: Miss G M Kelleway

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Miss G M Kelleway. To sort the race results, please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YYYY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

To view seasonal form for this jockey, please use the links to the right.

Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Trainer
2005-09-16Mack The Knife (GB)PA0-90/953/151.756-1Mrs A M Cook
2005-08-14Call Me Risky (GB)AA/PBInt4/614.506-1Dr R Cubberley
2005-08-14Ibn Ajwaad (GB)PA0-70/759/207.5010-1Mrs N van Dijk
2005-07-23Call Me Risky (GB)AA/PB0-100+2/3sh1-3fDr R Cubberley
2004-10-10Ibn Ajwaad (GB)PA0-80/853/141.255-1Mrs N van Dijk
2004-10-10Cal Karsab (ARG)PA0-90/9513/1435.0020-1Mr P Brown
2004-10-10Call Me Risky (GB)AA/PBOH5/712.505-2Dr R Cubberley
2004-09-09Benha (GB)PA0-90/959/1614.255-1Miss L Brooker
2004-09-05Call Me Risky (GB)AA/PBOH2/32.502-1Dr R Cubberley
2004-08-14Call Me Risky (GB)AA/PB0-100+1/54-6fDr R Cubberley
2004-06-13Call Me Risky (GB)AA/PBOH2/53.506-1Dr R Cubberley
2003-10-12Espace (GB)PA0-90/9510/1613.75Mr E Oertel
2003-10-12Call Me Risky (GB)AA/PB0-100+4/124.00Mr E Oertel
2003-08-23Bergerac (GB)PAInt8/827.00Mr E Oertel
2003-07-26Djoumis De Leyre (FR)PACond5/92.25Mr E Oertel
2003-07-20Call Me Risky (GB)AA/PBInt3/712.00Mr E Oertel
2003-07-20Djoumis De Leyre (FR)PAInt12/1532.75Mr E Oertel
2003-07-03Djoumis De Leyre (FR)PAInt2/82.50Mr E Oertel
2003-06-28Djoumis De Leyre (FR)PACond1/3Mr E Oertel
2003-06-15Djoumis De Leyre (FR)PAInt2/120.75Mr E Oertel
2003-06-15Call Me Risky (GB)AA/PB0-100+8/916.25Mr E Oertel
2002-10-13Salwata (FR)PA0-80/856/195.25Miss S G Kelleway
2002-10-13Djemila De Leyre (FR)PA0-90/9512/1413.75Miss S G Kelleway
2002-10-13Call Me Risky (GB)AA/PB0-100+1/3Miss S G Kelleway
2002-07-21Khenanga (GB)PA0-70/7511/1927.75Miss S G Kelleway