Jockey Form: Mr F J Offord

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Mr F J Offord. To sort the race results, please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YYYY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

To view seasonal form for this jockey, please use the links to the right.

Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Trainer
2016-09-25L.A. Sammadar PAFinal10/1136.0012-1Miss Teresa Gavin
2016-05-22L.A. Sammadar PAMaid4/730.007-1Miss Teresa Gavin
2016-05-07L.A. Sammadar PAMaid3/518.005-1Miss Teresa Gavin
2012-08-25Senor Dublecheck (GB)PA0-60/658/1152.755-1Mr D J Paton
2012-07-28Mahbishai (GB)PA0-50/556/118.00+4-1Mr D J Paton
2012-07-22Notid (FR)PA0-40/454/713.509-2Mr D J Paton
2012-07-22Senor Dublecheck (GB)PA0-60/656/1113.508-1Mr D J Paton
2012-06-17Mahbishai (GB)PA0-40/451/55-4Mr D J Paton
2011-08-06Southwark Newshawk (GB)P/A/TORH4/86.0010-1Mr D J Paton
2011-05-28Senor Dublecheck (GB)PA0-50/554/106.003-1Mr D J Paton
2011-05-14Mahbishai (GB)PA0-50/551/43-1Mr D J Paton
2010-09-18Mahbishai (GB)PA0-50/555/65.253-1Mr D J Paton
2010-08-29Notid (FR)PA0-60/657/827.005-1Mr D J Paton
2010-06-27Senor Dublecheck (GB)PA0-50/551/63-1Mr D J Paton
2010-05-29Senor Dublecheck (GB)PA0-50/552/61.5012-1Mr D J Paton
2009-10-10Even Keener (GB)PA0-80/853/172.008-1Mr D J Paton
2009-09-20Mahbishai (GB)PA0-50/559/1294.00+16-1Mr D J Paton
2009-09-20Even Keener (GB)PA0-80/852/416.007-4Mr D J Paton
2009-09-06Plus (FR)PA0-50/555/119.506-1Mr D J Paton
2009-08-29Even Keener (GB)PA0-60/652/12nk5-1cfMr D J Paton
2009-08-09Even Keener (GB)PA0-60/651/1120-1Mr D J Paton
2009-08-09Kings Cavalier (USA)P/A/TORH6/1119.7514-1Mr D J Paton
2009-08-01Even Keener (GB)PA0-60/656/144.75+12-1Mr D J Paton
2009-07-04Mahbishai (GB)PA0-50/557/1325.0012-1Mr D J Paton
2009-07-04Notid (FR)PA0-60/651/85-1Mr D J Paton