Jockey Form: Mr P Welsh

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Mr P Welsh. To sort the race results, please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YYYY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

To view seasonal form for this jockey, please use the links to the right.

Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Trainer
2001-10-14Syllvester (GB)PA0-80/858/1214.50Mrs G S Moore
2001-09-30Anganate Safinat (FR)PAMaid6/612.75Mr W M Smith
2001-09-30Kadan Bay (FR)PA0-100+7/717.50Mr W M Smith
2001-09-30Mounshaker (GB)PA0-60/6510/1034.00Miss C J Legg
2001-09-16Cal Flaming Arab (ARG)PAMaid6/628.50Mr W M Smith
2001-09-02Syllvester (GB)PA0-70/753/144.75Mrs G S Moore
2001-08-27Funchal De Nautiac (FR)PA0-100+6/97.75Mr W M Smith
2001-08-19Fire The Wind (USA)PA0-90/957/724.75Mr W M Smith
2001-08-19Cal Flaming Arab (ARG)PAMaid5/618.50Mr W M Smith
2001-08-04Funchal De Nautiac (FR)PAMaid4/732.00Mr W M Smith
2001-07-29Rabah (GB)PAMaid3/421.00Mr W M Smith
2001-07-22Saalsk (GB)PA0-90/959/1328.25Mr W M Smith
2001-07-07Elspeth (GB)PAMaid10/1044.00Mrs G S Moore
2001-06-23Rabah (GB)PAMaid5/1111.00Mr W M Smith
2001-06-17Elspeth (GB)PAMaidS/10Mrs G S Moore
2001-06-02Fire The Wind (USA)PAMaid4/510.75Mr W M Smith
2000-09-09Ateyyah Thameena (GB)PA0-80/855/713.50Mr W M Smith
2000-09-09Amiga (FR)PAMaidPU/4Mr W M Smith
2000-09-03Naserah (GB)PA0-60/654/84.25Mr R S Uden
2000-09-03Prince Orm (FR)PAD63/58.00Mr W M Smith
2000-08-06Nuits D'Amour (FR)PAMaid7/843.50Mr W M Smith