Jockey Form: Mr P Brown

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Mr P Brown. To sort the race results, please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YYYY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

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Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Trainer
2013-07-21Shamal (GB)PA0-70/755/535.754-1Mr P Brown
2013-06-23Shamal (GB)PA0-60/656/87.006-1Mr P Brown
2012-09-09Shamal (GB)PA0-80/851/1211-4Mr P Brown
2012-09-09Sham Aliya (GB)PA0-50/557/942.007-1Mr P Brown
2012-08-11Shamal (GB)PA0-50/551/124-1Mr P Brown
2012-07-22Shamal (GB)PA0-40/451/78-1Mr P Brown
2012-06-30Shamal (GB)PA0-50/554/108.256-1Mr P Brown
2011-07-02Shamal (GB)PA0-50/552/82.003-1Mr P Brown
2010-10-09Shamal (GB)PA0-80/851/115-1Mr P Brown
2010-09-25Shamal (GB)PAClass3/811.502-1jfMr P Brown
2010-08-21Shamal (GB)PAClass2/104.0016-1Mr P Brown
2010-08-07Shamal (GB)PA0-40/458/838.5020-1Mr P Brown
2009-08-09Tik Tik (GB)PA0-60/656/117.0012-1Mr P Brown
2009-06-27Tik Tik (GB)PA0-70/753/87.009-4fMr P Brown
2009-06-07Tik Tik (GB)PA0-60/653/102.0014-1Mr P Brown
2008-08-09Tik Tik (GB)PAMaid6/94.5016-1Mr P Brown
2008-05-31Tik Tik (GB)PAMaid5/810.2533-1Mr P Brown
2005-09-24Sparks R Flying (USA)PA0-60/6512/1315.5016-1Mr P Brown
2005-09-10Sparks R Flying (USA)PABand11/1257.5012-1Mr P Brown
2005-08-20Sparks R Flying (USA)PA0-70/7512/1523.7516-1Mr P Brown
2005-07-23Cal Karsab (ARG)PA0-70/757/921.5010-1Mr P Brown
2005-07-02Cal Karsab (ARG)PA0-70/758/934.0010-1Mr P Brown
2005-06-25Sparks R Flying (USA)PAMaid6/816.006-1Mr P Brown
2004-09-25Cal Karsab (ARG)PA0-80/8511/1314.2512-1Mr P Brown
2004-08-14Benedikt (GB)PA0-80/859/1014.007-2Mr P Brown