Jockey Form: Mr S Gagan

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Mr S Gagan. To sort the race results, please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YYYY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

To view seasonal form for this jockey, please use the links to the right.

Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Trainer
2003-10-12Jana (GB)PA0-50/5519/2060.75Mrs S J Saunders
2003-08-30Cumbria Sarrisa (GB)PA0-70/7513/1399.99+Mrs S J Saunders
2003-08-30Jana (GB)PACond4/108.75Mrs S J Saunders
2003-08-09Anwar Aaxer (GB)PAMaid9/999.99+Mr J Morris
2003-07-12Cumbria Sarrisa (GB)PA0-70/755/613.00Mrs S J Saunders
2003-07-12Jana (GB)PAMC10/1319.75Mrs S J Saunders
2003-06-28Cumbria Sarrisa (GB)PA0-70/756/716.75Mrs S J Saunders
2003-06-28Doraman (GB)PACond6/618.00Mr A J Jennings
2003-06-28Jana (GB)PARM3/616.00Mrs S J Saunders
2001-09-16Marlies Gohr (GB)AA/PB0-100+4/510.75Mr G Kiff
2001-08-04Wasseem (GB)PAMaid7/759.00Miss C A C Cunningham
2001-08-04Shurouk (GB)PAMaid4/430.00Miss C A C Cunningham
2001-07-07SA Arc En Ciel (GB)PA0-60/657/737.50Miss W Parkin
2001-07-07Bas Hisaan (GB)PAOC4/435.50+Mr G Kiff