Jockey Form: C Nora

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for C Nora. To sort the race results, please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YYYY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

To view seasonal form for this jockey, please use the links to the right.

Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Trainer
2014-09-25Nahee (FR)PAGroup1/6M. J-P Totain
2011-07-23Forgehill Cosaque (GB)PAGroup4/97.257-1M. D de Watrigant
2011-07-17Mestor (FR)PAGroup2/8hd9-2M. D de Watrigant
2011-07-17Vizir Des Cedres (FR)PACond5/723.0014-1M. J-P Totain
2006-09-19Naphir (GB)PAGroup1/32-5fM. D de Watrigant
2006-07-23Udjidor De Bozouls (FR)PAGroup3/41.505-4M. J-P Totain
2006-07-23Dandyna (FR)PAGroup2/65.0013-8M. J-P Totain
2005-08-14Djezika (FR)PAGroup2/160.508-1M. D de Watrigant
2005-08-14Udjidor De Bozouls (FR)PAGroup1/117-2M. J-P Totain
2005-08-14Kenzo Du Loup (FR)PAGroup2/71.254-5fM. J-P Totain
2004-09-21El Waled (FR)PAInt3/85.5011-4fM. J-P Totain
2004-07-18Ketchikan (FR)PAInt6/145.758-1M. D de Watrigant
2004-07-18Pralinedo (FR)PAInt4/93.759-4M. D de Watrigant
2003-09-23Beau Bar (FR)PAInt2/101.25M. J-P Totain
2003-07-20Savavit Al Maury (FR)PAInt5/1011.50M. J-P Totain
2003-07-20Fripon Al Maury (FR)PAInt14/1534.50M. J-P Totain
2003-07-20Nouba Al Maury (FR)PAInt1/10M. J-P Totain
2003-07-20Calycanthe De Ghazal (FR)PAInt2/81.25M. J-P Totain
2002-07-21Jawad Al Kheir (FR)PAInt4/96.00M. A Chaille-Chaille
2001-09-22Jawad Al Kheir (FR)PAInt2/120.50M. A Chaille-Chaille