Maria Hagman-Eriksson

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Maria Hagman-Eriksson. Please see the links below for different ways to view this data.

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Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Jockey
2019-07-28Jaldi Karo PAGrp 16/731.5014-1Mr D Turner
2019-07-28Ayman (FR)PAGrp 15/730.0012-1Fergus Sweeney
2019-07-28Poloniz (NL)PAGrp 18/913.0016-1Charlie Price
2019-07-28Afja'an (QA)PAConds3/710.2520-1Mr D Turner
2017-07-30Jaldi Karo PAGrp 16/739.5012-1Anna Pilroth
2016-07-24Al Janoob PAGrp 15/77.7511-2Anna Pilroth
2016-07-24Toutatix (FR)PAGrp 12/72.259-1Daniel Muscott
2016-07-24Pamills Lipse (SE)PAGrp 16/717.259-1Anna Pilroth
2016-07-24Al Murjaan (FR)PAGrp 17/916.5011-1Daniel Muscott