M. J-M De Watrigant

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for M. J-M De Watrigant. This data cannot be sorted due to both jockey and trainer being shown.

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Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Trainer/Jockey
2019-07-28R'ezala (FR)PAGrp 12/71.257-1M. D de Watrigant
Francois Xavier Bertras
2018-07-29Ahzar (FR)PAGrp 12/70.759-2M. D de Watrigant
Francois Xavier Bertras
2017-09-16Ahzar (FR)PAGrp 12/82.257-2M. D de Watrigant
Francois Xavier Bertras
2016-07-30Sahabba (FR)PAGrp 16/1215.2525-1M. D de Watrigant
Jean-Baptiste Hamel
2005-08-14Cherazade (FR)PAGroup6/1112.755-1M. D de Watrigant
Francois Xavier Bertras