Mrs G Kok

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Mrs G Kok. This data cannot be sorted due to both jockey and trainer being shown.

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Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Trainer/Jockey
2006-09-15Merlin De Carrere (FR)PA0-90/957/758.5012-1Mrs J Brimecombe
Miss Emma L Owen
2006-08-06Merlin De Carrere (FR)PA0-90/956/105.756-1Mrs J Brimecombe
Charlotte Kerton
2006-07-23Merlin De Carrere (FR)PA0-100+7/1027.7514-1Mrs J Brimecombe
Charlotte Kerton
2006-07-23Zayin Vakaash (GB)PAGroupW/650-1Mrs J Brimecombe
Mr S Holdsworth
2006-07-01Merlin De Carrere (FR)PAOH1/54-1Mrs J Brimecombe
Mr S Holdsworth
2006-07-01Zayin Vakaash (GB)PAMaid8/1122.2540-1Mrs J Brimecombe
Mr M Smith
2006-05-21Merlin De Carrere (FR)PA0-90/954/724.756-1Mrs J Brimecombe
Ms C Nosworthy (5)
2002-07-06Semawe (GB)PA0-70/755/512.00Mrs J Brimecombe
Mr S A Jones (5)
2002-06-29Semawe (GB)PA0-70/757/108.75Mrs J Brimecombe
Mr M Smith
2002-05-18Semawe (GB)PA0-80/852/82.00Mrs J Brimecombe
Mr M Smith
2002-05-04Semawe (GB)PA0-70/757/1114.50Mrs J Brimecombe
Mr M Smith
2001-09-30Semawe (GB)PA0-80/852/70.75Mrs J Brimecombe
Mr M Smith
2001-08-19Semawe (GB)PA0-80/855/65.50Mrs J Brimecombe
Mr J Davies
2001-08-12Semawe (GB)PA0-80/855/113.00Mrs J Brimecombe
Mr J Davies
2001-07-07Semawe (GB)PAMaid8/1018.00Mrs A L Colledge
Mr M Allen