Ms S Sidebottom

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Ms S Sidebottom. This data cannot be sorted due to both jockey and trainer being shown.

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Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Trainer/Jockey
2001-09-16Zindiana (GB)PA0-60/656/711.25Ms S Sidebottom
Miss S Kerr
2001-07-22Zindiana (GB)PA0-70/7516/1627.75Ms S Sidebottom
Mr V Lukaniuk
2001-07-07Zindiana (GB)PA0-50/554/511.00Ms S Sidebottom
Mr D Hannaford
2001-06-17Zindiana (GB)PA0-50/552/52.50Ms S Sidebottom
Mr V Lukaniuk
2000-10-08Zindiana (GB)PAC & OR6/107.75Ms S Sidebottom
Miss S Kerr
2000-09-30Zindiana (GB)PA0-60/656/1215.50Ms S Sidebottom
Mr J M Burley
2000-09-09Zindiana (GB)PA0-70/755/913.00Ms S Sidebottom
Mr J M Burley
2000-08-20Zindiana (GB)PA0-60/6510/1532.50Ms S Sidebottom
Mr J M Burley
2000-07-23Zindiana (GB)PA0-90/956/818.75Ms S Sidebottom
Mr A Holdsworth
2000-07-15Zindiana (GB)PA0-60/651/4Ms S Sidebottom
Mr J M Burley
2000-07-15Parmants Clown (GB)PA0-60/653/46.50Ms S Sidebottom
2000-06-25Parmants Clown (GB)PA0-40/454/55.25Ms S Sidebottom
Mr J M Burley
2000-06-25Zindiana (GB)PA0-60/653/610.00Ms S Sidebottom
Mr J M Burley
2000-06-18Parmants Clown (GB)PA0-50/553/316.00Ms S Sidebottom
Miss S J Perry
2000-06-11Parmants Clown (GB)PAF12/3shMs S Sidebottom
2000-06-03Zindiana (GB)PA0-60/652/42.50Ms S Sidebottom
Mr J M Burley
2000-05-13Maght (GB)PA0-60/654/85.25Ms S Sidebottom
Miss S J Perry
2000-05-13Parmants Clown (GB)PA0-40/453/56.00Ms S Sidebottom
Miss C Thomas
2000-05-06Armani (GB)PAMaid2/32.50Ms S Sidebottom
Mr J R Bryan
2000-05-06Parmants Clown (GB)PA0-60/654/434.50Ms S Sidebottom
Miss S J Perry