Mr A J Brunton

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Mr A J Brunton. To sort the race results, please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YYYY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

To view seasonal form for this trainer, please use the links to the right.

Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Jockey
2009-09-06CS Al Wahed (GB)PAOH4/631.009-2Mr D Turner
2008-07-20CS Al Wahed (GB)PAPrem10/1239.257-1Mr B Adams
2008-06-15CS Al Wahed (GB)PAOH2/30.504-1Mr B Adams
2007-09-09CS Al Wahed (GB)PAOH2/4sh8-1Mr B Adams
2007-08-26CS Al Wahed (GB)PA0-100+7/917.5012-1Mr A Holdsworth
2007-07-07CS Al Wahed (GB)PACond3/36.009-4Mr D Turner
2007-07-05CS Al Wahed (GB)PAGroup6/812.2510-1Mr D Turner
2007-06-09CS Al Wahed (GB)PAGroupW/633-1Mr B Adams
2006-09-16Noni (FR)PA0-70/758/1010.2510-1Mr D Turner
2006-07-23CS Al Wahed (GB)PAGroup6/629.508-1Mr P Collington
2006-07-08CS Al Wahed (GB)PACond3/413.005-2Mr H Haynes
2006-06-25CS Al Wahed (GB)PAOH1/6Eves Mr P Collington
2006-06-25Noni (FR)PAMaid3/522.005-2Mr D Turner
2006-06-06CS Al Wahed (GB)PAGroup2/70.753-1Mr P Collington
2006-06-06Noni (FR)PAGroup6/753.25+14-1Mr H Haynes
2006-05-21Noni (FR)PA0-70/757/1023.757-2Mr H Haynes
2005-10-09CS Kismet (GB)PA0-80/851/143-1Mr H Haynes
2005-10-09CS Patriarch (GB)PAGroup2/610.0012-1Mr D Turner
2005-10-09CS Al Wahed (GB)PAGroup5/628.505-1Mr P Deymonaz
2005-10-09Jubilee Dancer (GB)PAInt1/55-2Mr P Collington
2005-10-09CS Kabira (GB)PA0-90/9511/1219.5014-1Mr H Haynes
2005-10-09The Vertuous Crusader (GB)PA0-90/953/122.003-1fMr D Turner
2005-09-24CS Khan (GB)PAOH6/754.0020-1Mr D Turner
2005-09-24CS Al Wahed (GB)PAOH1/73-1Mr H Haynes
2005-09-24Danjani (GB)PAOH3/710.005-2Mr P Deymonaz