Mr P R Simmons

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Mr P R Simmons. To sort the race results, please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YYYY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

To view seasonal form for this trainer, please use the links to the right.

Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Jockey
2019-08-18Zephyrella Zayin PA0-509/9116.5033-1Mr Mike Palmer (5)
2019-08-03Zephyrella Zayin PA0-5511/1259.2516-1Mr Mike Palmer (5)
2019-06-09Zayin Zachilles PA0-653/53.256-1Mr Will Pettis
2019-06-08Kallista PA0-609/951.0010-1Mr D Turner
2018-05-27Kallista PA0-555/614.0020-1Mr D Turner
2007-09-22CS Wraith (GB)PA0-70/7515/1642.2540-1Mr P J Murphy
2007-09-09CS Wraith (GB)PA0-70/7511/1131.0033-1Mr M Wall
2007-07-07Kumara Zayin (GB)PA0-40/455/724.0033-1Mr R G Woollard
2007-06-16Kumara Zayin (GB)PAMaid9/1156.7540-1Mr R G Woollard
2007-05-05CS Comete (GB)PACond4/448.00+33-1Mr D Burton
2006-09-03CS Wraith (GB)PA0-80/8510/1056.7510-1Mr R G Woollard
2006-08-19CS Wraith (GB)PA0-70/7514/1415.0014-1Mr D Colledge (5)
2006-07-30CS Wraith (GB)PA0-70/75F/97-1Mr H Haynes
2006-07-08CS Wraith (GB)PA0-90/958/862.7510-1Mr R G Woollard
2006-06-11Kumara Zayin (GB)PAMaid9/1325.0033-1Mr R G Woollard
2000-09-30Aliesha (GB)PA0-60/659/1219.75Mr P R Simmons
2000-09-30Shahlizia (GB)PAMaid6/642.00Mr P R Simmons
2000-08-12Sweet Simplicity (GB)PA0-70/757/923.75Mr P R Simmons
2000-08-06Aliesha (GB)PA0-40/453/338.00Mr P R Simmons
2000-08-06Sweet Simplicity (GB)PA0-70/753/1010.00Mr P R Simmons
2000-06-25Sweet Simplicity (GB)PAC45/530.50Mr A Holdsworth