Ms N M Stephens

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Ms N M Stephens. To sort the race results, please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YYYY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

To view seasonal form for this trainer, please use the links to the right.

Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Jockey
2012-09-09May Boy (GB)P/A/TORC1/96-1Miss S Parsons (5)
2012-09-09Street Crime (GB)P/A/TORC7/913.5010-1Ms N M Stephens (5)
2012-08-25Street Crime (GB)P/A/TOH4/133.2510-1Miss M Kerr (5)
2012-08-11May Boy (GB)P/A/TOH5/118.004-1Miss S Parsons (5)
2012-08-11Street Crime (GB)P/A/TOH7/119.256-1Ms N M Stephens (5)
2012-06-30May Boy (GB)P/A/TOH 4/121.5025-1Miss S Parsons (5)
2012-06-30Street Crime (GB)P/A/TOC3/121.757-2Ms N M Stephens (5)
2012-05-12Street Crime (GB)P/A/TOH 5/133.004-1Ms N M Stephens
2012-05-05Street Crime (GB)P/A/TCond3/114.7514-1Ms N M Stephens (5)
2011-05-28Offalevel (GB)P/A/TORC7/1326.0014-1Miss E Pole (5)
2009-10-10Avery (GB)P/A/TORC6/821.7511-1Mr M Smith
2009-09-26Avery (GB)P/A/TORH3/124.502-1jfMr M Smith
2009-09-06Avery (GB)P/A/TORH2/14nk16-1Mr M Smith
2009-07-04Avery (GB)P/A/TORH6/1126.5016-1Mr M Smith
2009-06-27Avery (GB)P/A/TORH8/1227.5020-1Ms N M Stephens (5)
2009-05-16Avery (GB)P/A/TORC7/1141.5020-1Ms N M Stephens (5)
2003-08-30CSA Ibn Eaglescliffe (GB)PAMaid6/947.00Ms N M Stephens (5)
2003-08-16CSA Ibn Eaglescliffe (GB)PAMaid4/99.25Ms N M Stephens (5)
2000-07-15Modern Jazz (GB)AA/PBC & OR4/445.25+Mrs M Stephens
2000-06-03Modern Jazz (GB)AA/PBC & OR4/432.50+Mrs M Stephens