Mrs S Connally

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Mrs S Connally. To sort the race results, please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YYYY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

To view seasonal form for this trainer, please use the links to the right.

Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Jockey
2021-09-20Samawaat PA0-6010/1119.503-1Miss Kelly Bostock (7)
2021-09-18Labwah PA0-7512/1227.0012-1Miss Kelly Bostock (7)
2020-10-17Samawaat PA0-6513/1328.758-1Charlie Price
2019-08-18Samawaat PA0-705/84.009-2Mr D Turner
2019-08-12Samawaat PA45-656/105.7512-1Miss Emilie Finckenhagen
2019-07-28Samawaat PA40-7514/1616.2512-1Miss Serena Brotherton
2019-06-09Samawaat PA0-806/624.007-1Mr D Turner
2019-06-01Samawaat PA0-906/678.253-1Miss Serena Brotherton
2018-09-16Aleeyah Seraphina PAFinal6/779.2533-1Miss Ellie Mackenzie
2018-08-19Aleeyah Seraphina PA0-406/753.5033-1Miss Kelly Bostock (5)
2018-07-29Aleeyah Seraphina PAGrp 3UR/933-1Mr D Turner
2018-06-10Aleeyah Seraphina PAMaid5/556.0033-1Mr Ciaran Jones (5)
2017-05-07Eau Jember PA0-3511/1230.2510-1Ms Kelly Bostock (5)
2015-09-20Eau Jember (GB)PA0-404/66.506-1Miss S D Gandola
2015-09-20Raihan (AE)PAH'cap10/1032.2520-1Miss Kaitlen Robinson (5)
2015-09-05Raihan (AE)PA0-409/916.50+14-1Miss Kaitlen Robinson (5)
2015-09-05Eau Jember (GB)PA0-408/916.50+9-1Miss S D Gandola
2015-08-15Eau Jember (GB)PAGrp6/634.0040-1Miss S D Gandola
2015-06-07Raihan (UAE)PA0-508/952.5010-1Mr Joseph Walsh
2015-05-17Eau Jember (GB)PA0-556/640.0014-1Mr Joseph Walsh
2015-05-17Raihan (UAE)PA0-403/53.005-1Miss S D Gandola
2015-05-02Eau Jember (GB)PAMaid8/99.00+50-1Miss Anna Wallace
2015-05-02Raihan (UAE)PA0-505/731.50+7-2Miss Anna Wallace
2014-09-28Raihan (UAE)PA0-80/852/103.00Mr Jordan Williams
2014-09-28Eau Jember (GB)PAMaid6/71.25+Mr Jordan Williams