Please find below the races due to run on the above date; for racegoers, please be aware that this data is subject to change pending the declaration process. Finalised declarations will be available shortly via the Racing tab on the main navigation.
Time | Race Type | Details | Dist |
14:00 | Maiden | Maiden Purebred Arabians, 3 yrs old & up. | 06f |
14:30 | Thoroughbred | Part Breds, Anglos and Tbs, 3 yrs old & up Bands 1-5. | 08f |
15:00 | 0-40 | Purebreds, 4 yrs old & up, 0-40. | 10f |
15:30 | 0-85 | Purebreds, 4 yrs old & up, rated 0-85. | 08f |
16:00 | Conditions | Purebred Arabians, 3 & 4 yrs old. | 10f |
16:30 | 0-55 | Purebred Arabians, 4yrs old & up, rated 0-55. | 06f |
17:00 | 0-70 | Purebreds, 4 yrs old & up, 0-70. | 13f |
17:30 | Thoroughbred | Tbs, 3 yrs old & up, in Bands 5-10. | 08f |