Jockey Form: Miss C Thomas

Please find below the 25 most recent race results for Miss C Thomas. To sort the race results, please click the blue table headers. Clicking the table header twice will sort the data into descending order. Please note that dates are listed in YYYY/MM/DD format to aid the sorting process.

To view seasonal form for this jockey, please use the links to the right.

Date Horse Breed Race Pos Beat Price Trainer
2002-08-09WFA Prophecy (GB)PA0-50/558/839.00Miss C Thomas
2002-07-27Pavot Al Kyle (GB)PA0-90/956/812.50Miss C Thomas
2002-07-27WFA Prophecy (GB)PAMaid8/1032.25Miss C Thomas
2002-06-26Pavot Al Kyle (GB)PA0-100+8/119.00Miss C Thomas
2002-05-29Pavot Al Kyle (GB)PA0-90/958/1320.50Miss C Thomas
2000-05-21Namek (GB)PAMaid9/1437.50Miss C Thomas
2000-05-13Gas Polenes (GB)PA0-80/856/631.00Miss C Thomas
2000-05-13Pavot Al Kyle (GB)PAMaid8/1135.75Miss C Thomas
2000-05-13Parmants Clown (GB)PA0-40/453/56.00Ms S Sidebottom